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World Green Building Week: highlights and upcoming events

This week we saw World Green Building Councils come together across the globe to drive climate action in the building and construction sectors. Copywriter, Scarlette Isaac, covers some of the highlights below.

Green Building Week is an annual event led by the World Green Building Council which highlights the need for sustainable change in the built environment sectors - with a primary focus on low carbon built environments.

This year marked the event’s 14th anniversary and had a fantastic outcome of over 36,000 people who united to draw attention to the climate crisis and how the sector can help support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

With COP27 just around the corner, this year’s World Green Building Week addressed issues linked to the conference, including building for communities, building for the planet and decarbonisation.

Cristina Gamboa, chief executive officer for World Green Building Council commented: “The built environment accounts for 10% of employment and 50% of all wealth. But climate change increases the risk of built assets becoming stranded ones. Climate change risks US $16 trillion of value for residential real estate assets and US $5 trillion for global commercial assets.

“As we build on the successes of Cities, Regions and Built Environment Day at the UN Climate Conference, COP26, in 2021 and continue to advocate for climate action towards COP27, leaders must leverage the untapped opportunities of the built environment to decarbonise our economies and provide social economic benefits for those who need it the most.

“That’s why this World Green Building Week our #BuildingforEveryone campaign is putting people back at the heart of the built environment. Between 12-16 September, we’re inviting our global community to take urgent action to accelerate the UN Sustainable Development Goals and sustainable built environments for everyone, everywhere.”

How can I get involved?

If you missed out this week, don’t worry - there are still plenty of events on the horizon for you to attend. Check them out below.

Join this webinar for a deep-dive discussion on the transition to net zero carbon buildings, including expert-led presentations, a Q&A session and real-world examples of innovation across the built environment.

This webinar offers an update on UKGBC’s NZCB framework and considers next steps. Recommended for built environment professionals interested in net zero Carbon Buildings and how to prove that they meet industry-standards for net zero.

Watch this webinar for further insight into the links between climate change and the built environment, and most importantly, how you can make a difference. Better yet, you can watch this webinar at your leisure as it’s on demand!

Discover more about UK land management with industry-leaders ahead of the COP27 conference and how it's changing to help build towards a more sustainable future.

Here at Pillar Partnership we want to help raise awareness to ecological issues across the built environment and recognise our responsibility to make active change as professionals in the construction industry.


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