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How technology is revolutionising the construction industry

In the digital age, we are constantly seeing new and exciting technological innovations - but how are they being used to improve the construction industry?


Artificial intelligence (AI) is invaluable to making construction projects more efficient and is increasingly being used by construction managers across the globe. From AI-powered generative design, which helps identify faults with a building before it is constructed, through to sensor tools that scan for safety hazards on-site, the benefits are endless.

Big Data

During the initial stages of the construction project, big data can help project teams predict a timeline for the construction process based on information from past and ongoing construction projects.

Big data tools also provide a more accurate overview of equipment expenses - mitigating the risk of going over budget later down the line. Other benefits of big data include reduced environmental damage, better working conditions and increased building efficiency.

Virtual & Augmented Reality

Whether it’s creating a personalised experience for the client (e.g. showing them around the building and explaining the progress being made), enhancing training practices or bridging the gap between construction workers and all stakeholders through collaboration, VR is really hitting the ground running in the world of construction.

AR is also highly beneficial for the sector and can help construction workers better visualise how a finished project will look.


Not quite as cool as Iron Man but we’re still excited about this one! These devices are designed to be worn by your workforce to support muscle movement and increase strength, in turn, reducing the risk of injury.

3D Printing

3D Printing has come a long way since the 80s, with the technology now able to help build complex designs, reduce waste and speed up conventional construction timeframes.

Here at Pillar Partnership, we believe there has never been a more exciting time to be in construction and can’t wait to see what’s next from this rapidly developing sector.

Want to get involved? Email or give us a call on 0203 856 4048 to find out more about working in a role within the built environment.


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