The built environment is an exceptionally busy industry to work in and what better excuse than Christmas to kick back and relax for a few days without any distractions? To help make sure you use your break to its full potential, our consultants have come up with 5 tips for unwinding this Christmas.
1.Spend time with people you love
Switch off work mode and enjoy chilling out with family and friends this festive season. We know this is easier said than done but it is essential for your wellbeing, body and mind to ‘unplug’ while you have the opportunity. So, whack on a Christmas classic, heat up the mulled mine and get cosy!
2. Do something you love
As much as Christmas is about spending time with loved ones, it’s also important to love yourself! Make sure to spend at least a portion of your time off work doing something that makes you happy. This could be as simple as going for a walk, or why not go all out and book a slot at that ice skating rink you’ve been eyeing up? Working in the built environment is non-stop busy, so enjoy a little distraction and allow your mind to rest.
3. Turn off your work phone
As much as it can be tempting to reply to a last minute work email on your day off, this can really set you back in terms of mindfulness and can easily undo any relaxation! So instead of letting your phone buzz all through Christmas dinner, try turning it off (or at least putting it on silent) so you are free of distractions and can focus on being in the moment with loved ones.
P.S. automatic ‘out of office’ replies are your friend!
4. Plan your time
If you have to work over the Christmas period, then it is useful to plan ahead so the lines between work and play don’t get blurred. Once you’ve established ‘work hours’, be strict with yourself so that you spend a sufficient time winding down. You might even want to set alarms on your phone telling you when it’s time to log off in order to prevent you from working into the early hours.
5. Slow down
The transition from your hectic 9 to 5 routine, to lying in and eating chocolates all day can be a shock to the system. However, it is important you allow yourself to rest over the holiday season so that you are able to return to work in January, recharged and raring to go! Make sure you spread your social plans out so you’re not swept off your feet and still exhausted by the end of Christmas.
Pillar Partnership wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
If you’re looking to start the new year with a new role, get in touch with our team today via