Have you ever considered becoming a mentor for someone at work? In this article, we discuss the benefits of helping colleagues and new starters develop in their careers as someone with significant experience in the built environment sector.
1. Increased engagement at work
If you’ve been in the same line of work for a while, then mentoring could be just the ingredient you need to spice up your day-to-day. Introducing new responsibilities, such as answering questions, researching and providing your expertise to colleagues can help improve your engagement at work. Plus, it will probably give you a boost in confidence knowing you’re able to help others.
2. Refreshes knowledge
Educating your colleagues and developing their technical understanding can help refresh your industry knowledge and sharpen your skills. As you cover each topic, you may discover new information or resources. Things move fast in the world of construction, so being in the know when it comes to cutting-edge technology and new developments is always going to give you a competitive advantage.
3. Builds soft skills
Helping your peers can help improve your soft skills, such as communication, leadership and active listening. Keep a record of the mentoring sessions you have helped with so you can refer back to this experience when applying for a new role or demonstrating your progress in a review meeting.
4. Team building
Mentoring gives you the opportunity to build rapport with team members you may have not otherwise interacted with. Establishing a stronger community at work with help improve productivity and general communication across the business.
5. Feelings of accomplishment
Watching your colleagues progress in their careers as a result of your guidance is a very rewarding experience. So if you enjoy helping others, or find joy in teaching then mentoring is definitely something to consider. What’s the point in hoarding a goldmine of industry knowledge, when you could be sharing it to enlighten others?
We hope this article inspired you to join or start a mentor programme at your place of work.
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